티스토리 뷰


Infinity War Movie

나미옥이야 2018. 5. 10. 18:56

the best Avengers war

looking forward for more

so cool special effects and fighting scenes



Wow, this is the coolest war Avengers have ever had, so far! Of course we look forward to having more! This Infinity War movie of 2018 is very exciting that we want to see the next episode asap! Look at this poster, the super heroes are joined together to beat Thanos! He is very bad, we hate him. Watch Infinity War movie now!



It is sad seeing some of them turned to ashes and disappeared, gone by the wind! Specially Spider-Man, he's scared and teary. We really hate Thanos, he's very bad and ugly! He is selfish and ridiculous too!



The Wakanda went down, as alien dogs with their masters invaded the area! Some of the Avengers protect the last crystal, but still Thanos has his ways! We missed Hulk, actually he's not there, only the human him.



Here are the amazing crystals, I also want to collect the pieces but to do good! Make the world a better place.



Hurry, watch and share Infinity War Movie!
