
2017 Sad Movie

나미옥이야 2018. 3. 22. 12:01

cool fighting scenes and special effects

coolest movie ever

made me sad



The story was about the escape of the rebellions, but turned out that only a few remains! So, I think this is indeed 2017 sad movie that you must look forward to watching! The last Jedi will be revealed!



Knowing the dark side of Ben, the new Darth Vader, Luke tried to get rid of him, but making him released his full dark potential and became an evil ally! The journey to becoming a Jedi ended soon.



But, another life is trying to master the art of becoming a good one. Rey doesn't know what she can do, seeking help from Luke she pursues him. Even though it's indeed hard to persuade the Jedi master.



Full of bombings and killings, many lives were sacrificed. Watch this 2017 sad movie!



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